
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pagan Values Month: Nature Escapes

This is Pagan Values Month, and I'm getting a late start (only a few days late though!) but still wanted to participate. I wasn't sure what to talk about though, so I decided to turn to Pagan Blog Prompts for ideas. Their latest prompt is the question of where we go to get our nature fix.

I hate to admit it, but I often don't do things that I know are good for me, and that means that I also don't get outside often enough. But when I do get out there's a park -- with swings!!! -- nearby, and a little waterfall even closer that I like to visit. The waterfall is better for connecting to nature though, since I don't get distracted by the swings.

It's possible to walk out to some rocks where I can sit and be surrounded by the water. It's even a place in a story I once wrote about a rambunctious young fairy! I like to sit, close my eyes, and listen to the water.


Toriz said...

You just reminded me of a place I used to like to visit. We haven't lived near it for a while now though.

Dancing With Fey said...

What was that place like?